Základní informace o akci
Datum a čas konání: | 23. 09. 2021 15:00 - 16:15 |
Cena: | Zdarma |
Webová stránka: | Více informací a registrace |
Zapojené organizace: | Evropská komise |
Cílová skupina: | Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu Digitální dovednosti ve vzdělávání |
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: | Střední Základní |
Téma: | Digitální dovednosti |
Jazyk: | Angličtina |
Geografický rozsah: | Evropská unie |
O akci
The Digital SkillUp webinar: How to ensure an engaging training design? will take place place on 23 September, 15.00 – 16.15 CEST as part of the Digital Skillup webinar series.
The Digital SkillUp webinar How to ensure an engaging training design? will present the Digital SkillUp approach to the training course design and provide an opportunity for the training providers to network, learn from rest of the community, and share good practice examples already available.
Willing to know more about what methods should be used to make your trainings the most efficient, attractive and interactive to the end-users? Digital SkillUp is ready to discuss and address these concerns.
This webinar will offer a chance to learn about the Digital SkillUp approach and its training courses and will provide insights for the development of training courses.
Digital SkillUp is an EU-funded initiative with a goal to make basic knowledge on emerging technologies available and accessible to all European citizens and SMEs. As a contribution to the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform’s learning pillar, Digital SkillUp provides easy-to-follow online courses in 10 European languages, helping individuals and companies make the most of emerging technologies and digital transformation.
- 15.00 – 15.10 Welcome
- 15.10 – 15.30 Digital SkillUp approach towards engaging and interactive training
- 15.30 – 15.40 Q&A: Ask our expert!
- 15.40 – 16.10 Interactive session: ‘Share and discuss’ – a chance for participants to present engaging elements in their training courses, discuss the most efficient approaches
- 16.10 – 16.15 Wrap-Up
Please register here to join the webinar.
Evropská komise, Digital Skills and Jobs Platform