Základní informace o akci

Datum a čas konání: 21. 06. 2022 10:00 - 12:30
Cena: Zdarma
Webová stránka: Investing in people: getting the skills for the digital decade
Zapojené organizace: Evropská komise
Cílová skupina: Digitální dovednosti pro všechny
Digitální dovednosti ve vzdělávání
Digitální dovednosti pro ICT odborníky
Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: Odborník na digitální technologie
Téma: Digitální dovednosti
Jazyk: Angličtina
Geografický rozsah: Evropská unie

O akci

Among others, a workshop on digital skills and the Digital Decade targets will take place on 21 June, 10:00 – 12:30.

This workshop will focus on how to reach the Digital Decade Target for skills, and in particular how to reach 20 million ICT specialists by 2030, with gender convergence. This discussion will contribute to the stakeholder consultation on the ongoing Structured Dialogue on digital skills and education.

The workshop will start with a panel discussion to introduce the topic. Speakers will share their experience, highlight good practices and describe challenges. During the breakout sessions participants will get the possibility to work with others in smaller groups. They will be asked to put forward ideas on what the EU, national governments and stakeholders should do to reach the Digital Decade targets. Participants will have a chance to discuss, network and share their opinions, exchanging ideas to find best practices on the subject.

As a result, the workshop should yield suggestions for actions that could be taken at EU or national level to contribute to reaching the Digital Decade targets for ICT specialists as well as increasing the number of sectoral experts using advanced digital technologies

The programme of the workshop

10:00 – Welcome and intro – Alexander RIEDL, Deputy Head of Unit, European Coommission

10:10 – 1st Panel: What is the most important challenge for Europe when it comes to digital skills? 

10:40 – Breakout session 1: Identify challenges 

11:15 – Breakout session 2: Identify solutions 

11:35 – Reporting 

11:50 – 2nd Panel: How to bridge the digital skills gap in Europe? 

12:20 – Conclusions and goodbye 

How to register for the event?

Discover the full programme of all the workshops and the plenary sessions.

Register here and follow the instructions below:

1) You first need to create a new account on the French presidency platform for delegates (in case you don’t have that profile yet).
2) After you create the profile, you sign up for the event. You will need the following codes:

  • Delegation: NUMERIQUE324.participants
  • Access Code: kX5N@g+HLHSk


Evropská komise, Rada Evropské unie