Základní informace o akci

Datum a čas konání: 28. 02. 2023 13:00 - 17:00
Cena: Zdarma
Webová stránka: https://www.digitalsme.eu/events/connecting-voices-social-dialogue-for-digital-skills-and-smart-working-event/
Zapojené organizace: European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Místo konání: Office of Region Lombardy, Place du Champ De Mars 1/3, Brussels
Cílová skupina: Digitální dovednosti pro ICT odborníky
Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: Pokročilá
Odborník na digitální technologie
Téma: Internet věcí, Umělá inteligence, Big Data, Robotika, Rozšířená realita, Virtuální realita, Cloud computing, Telekomunikace, Software
Jazyk: Angličtina
Geografický rozsah: Evropská unie

O akci

The final conference for the IRESDES 4.0 project “Connecting Voices: Social Dialogue for Digital Skills and Smart Working”, is taking place on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 from 13:00 to 17:00 CET. The format of the event is hybrid and you can participate either online or in-person at the Office of Region Lombardy, Place du Champ De Mars 1/3 – Brussels.

While the EU is slowly recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic, enterprises are still getting used to the disruptive changes caused by it. This is confirmed by the latest DESI Index Report (2022), concluding that the EU-level growth rate for the adoption of digital technologies by citizens and businesses has risen, as well as trends of automation, increased numbers of common remote work, etc.

To this extent, over the past two years, IRESDES 4.0 project has dived into the developments of smart working and digital skills. Specifically, the project consortium has analysed the impact of collaborative labour agreements and other social dialogue practices in ensuring digital skills development within SMEs and how the presence of contractual ambiguity is still pending over smart working options.

On 28th of February, key recommendations to the social partners – including company and territorial levels – and decision makers will be presented in the project’s Final Conference.

The conference will also invite industry and employee representatives, decision makers and field scholars to discuss the social dialogue’s impact on digital transition and how it can fit into a rightful conversion of employees’ conditions.

13:00 – 13:45Registration & light lunch
13:45 – 14:00Welcome & event introductionJustina Bieliauskaite, Projects Director, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
14:00 – 14:15KeynoteMaria Hadjiantoni, Policy Officer, DG Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
14:15 – 14:35Presentation of the main research findingsMargherita Roiatti, Researcher, ADAPT
14:35 –15:15Panel discussion ‘How will the social partners apply IRESDES 4.0 recommendations?’
Davide Lucini Paioni, Trade Union & Industrial Relations, CONFIMI IndustriaMassimiliano Nobis, Secretary-General, FIM-CISL NazionaleNicola Panarella, Secretary-General, FIM-CISL del VenetoDiletta Porcheddu, Researcher, ADAPTJustina Bieliauskaite, Projects Director, European DIGITAL SME AllianceModerator: Antonio Grasso, EU Policy Director, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
15:15 –15:30Coffee break
15:30 – 16:10Panel discussion ‘Beyond IRESDES 4.0: how will social dialogue contribute to the continuous digital transition in the future’ Anja Meierkord, Labour Market Economist, OECDGiuseppe Guerini, Member, European Economic and Social Committee and President, Cecop-Cicopa EuropeIsabelle Barthes, Deputy General Secretary, IndustryAll EuropeEnrico Giovannini, Former Minister of Labour & Social Policy in ItalyModerator: Antonio Grasso, EU Policy Director, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
16:10 –16:20Conclusions & closing remarksNicola Panarella, Secretary-General, FIM-CISL del VenetoDomenico Galia, President Confimi Industria Digitale, CONFIMI INDUSTRIA
16:20 – 17:00Networking & Goodbye Cocktail


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