Základní informace o akci

Datum a čas konání: 18. 05. 2022 11:00 - 12:30
Cena: Zdarma
Webová stránka: https://www.digitaleurope.org/events/skill-needs-of-digitalising-industries/
Zapojené organizace: DIGITALEUROPE
Cílová skupina: Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu
Digitální dovednosti pro všechny
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: Střední
Téma: Digitální dovednosti, Software, Blockchain, Umělá inteligence
Jazyk: Angličtina
Geografický rozsah: Evropská unie

O akci

DIGITALEUROPE invites you to the third event in our Digital Deep Dives series, where we’ll discuss Europe’s digital skills panorama and untapped opportunities, as well as present fieldwork ideas and concrete initiatives that aim to answer the digital skill needs.

We are well aware digital skills are paramount as technology is everywhere in our lives and societies. But can Europe really cater for the skill needs of digitilising industries? 

At the current pace, Europe is fated to fail to reach the 2030 digital targets, with many citizens lagging in digital skills and industries struggling to find ICT specialists.

During the panel discussion, our speakers will provide their views on the EU 2030 Digital Decade targets on digital skills, and the type of measures needed to hit these targets — diving into topics like micro-credentials and individual learning accounts.  

In the second part of the event, participants will be able to follow parallel sessions where subject matter experts will present European projects and initiatives and deep dive into thematic discussions on digital skills such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, software, and advanced digital skills at large.

This event is organised by DIGITALEUROPE in the context of the European Commission’s European Vocational Skills Week.


11:00 – 11:10 | Opening keynote

  • Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE

11:10 – 11:55 | Panel discussion: Can Europe cater for the skill needs of digital?

  • Mário Lelovsky, Vice President, ITAS
  • Marta Przywała, Public Policy Manager, SAP (tbc)
  • Fabrizia Benini, Head of Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission (tbc)
  • Moderated by:Vincenzo Renda, Senior Manager for Digital Transformation Policy, DIGITALEUROPE

11:55 – 12:20 | Parallel sessions: Deep dive into thematic discussions on digital skills

  1. Artificial intelligence skills
    • Valeria Muggianu, Senior Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
    • Anthony McCauley, AI Programme Manager, ICT Skillnet
  2. Blockchain skills
    • Marina Brunner, Lead Researcher, DHBW
    • Klavs Ciprikis, Research Fellow, ESRI
  3. Software skills
    • José Usero, Senior Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
    • Kevin McFall, Master Instructor, NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute
  4. Advanced digital skills
    • Katarzyna Udała, Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
    • Vita Vitola-Lapina, Project & Digital Skills Specialist, LIKTA

12:20 – 12:30 | Closing remarks

  • Helena Lovegrove, Director for Operations & Projects, DIGITALEUROPE