Základní informace o akci

Datum a čas konání: 10. 05. 2022 15:00 - 17:45
Cena: Zdarma
Webová stránka: https://www.digitalsme.eu/events/creativeness-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-for-smarter-communities/
Cílová skupina: Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: Střední
Odborník na digitální technologie
Téma: Telekomunikace, 5G, Kybernetická bezpečnost, Vývoj webových stránek, Software
Jazyk: Angličtina
Geografický rozsah: Evropská unie

O akci

(pouze v angličtině | only in English)

DIGITAL SME, together with Focus Group Smart Communities and AURORAL, is organising the session “European digital SMEs  – Creativeness, innovation and entrepreneurship for Smarter Communities” on 10 May, 14.00 – 16.45 WEST as part of the Alentejo Summit. 

The digital transition has a profound impact on every European region, city, town and village, by changing the way people live and interact among each other and with emerging technologies.

A particular focus is needed on the rural areas, as they represent the 83% of the total EU area and experience community´s specific challenges, such as the lack of digital infrastructure, skills (digital divide), interoperability standards, as well as demographic challenges, e.g. the lack of generational renewal.

Bridging the gap between urban and rural areas becomes imperative for the whole European economic competitiveness and to tackle the societal challenges of the future.

Digital innovator SMEs are the main actors to deliver such transformation, as they are naturally embedded in their community of reference and are aware of the area’s specific challenges.

The AURORAL project becomes the virtual space where these SMEs and local authorities can initiate a collaboration to increasing connectivity and delivering a digital environment of smart objects interoperable services platforms. Such dynamic ecosystems of innovation will allow local digital SMEs to collaborate and leverage on the power of the community and scale-up and offer their services to other rural areas.

The first part of this event is dedicated to the active role of digital SMEs in bridging the digital divide between rural and urban areas.

The second part will analyse and validate implementation barriers and innovation gaps currently slowing down the digital transition of rural areas, and how SMEs can intervene and cover these gaps with their services.


European digital SMEs