Základní informace o akci

Datum a čas konání: 09. 06. 2022 10:00 - 12:30
Cena: Zdarma
Webová stránka: https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/latest/events/microcredentials-are-they-here-stay
Cílová skupina: Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu
Digitální dovednosti ve vzdělávání
Digitální dovednosti pro všechny
Digitální dovednosti pro ICT odborníky
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: Základní
Odborník na digitální technologie
Téma: Digitální dovednosti
Jazyk: Angličtina
Geografický rozsah: Evropská unie

O akci

Organised in cooperation with the French Presidency of the Council of the EU, CEDEOP is organising its 12th CEDEFOP Brussels seminar, ‘Microcredentials: are they here to stay?’. This seminar, taking place on 9 June, will present CEDEFOP’s research activities related to the theme of microcredentials and their role in supporting labour market related and employment relevant education, training, and learning, including vocational education and training. 

Drawing on CEDEFOP research, participants will learn more about microcredentials and discuss: 

  • the characteristics and potential roles that microcredentials could play in supporting labour-market-related and employment-relevant education, training, and learning, including VET
  • the methodology and interim findings of CEDEFOP’s study on microcredentials 
  • the uptake and functions of microcredentials as they are regarded as components in national and international skills strategies, which respond to several factors: fast-changing labour market demands, digitalisation, ageing populations, re-skilling and upskilling needs, etc.

Discover the full programme and speakers here!  


European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)