O kurzu
Develop your digital skills and competences to better exploit the potential of digital transformation!
(jednotlivé kurzy jsou v angličtině)
Summer School
Join the brightest minds and learn how to develop tech business ideas that can get off the ground!
Our Summer School programmes are open for bachelor and master students, young professionals, and others who want to deep-dive into emerging digital technologies, learn how to turn technology into business, and eventually launch deep-tech startups. Any educational background is welcome.
Professional School
EIT Digital Professional School offers short courses for professionals on various topics related to digital technology and innovation. Furthermore, tailored, bespoke training can be organised on demand, and delivered at the premises of the interested organisation.
Online education
EIT Digital on Coursera
EIT Digital provides online and blended Innovation and Entrepreneurship education to raise quality, increase diversity and availability of the top-level content provided by our partner network of leading technical universities around Europe. The universities deliver a unique blend of the best of technical excellence and entrepreneurial skills and mindset to digital engineers and entrepreneurs at all stages of their careers. With our online courses, we support Coursera’s bold vision to enable anyone, anywhere, to transform their lives by accessing the world’s best learning experience. This means that EIT Digital gradually shares parts of its entrepreneurial and academic education programmes to demonstrate its excellence and make it accessible to a much wider audience.