Základní informace o publikaci
Oblast vzdělávání a rozvoje: | Všeobecné programy a kvalifikace dále nedefinované Informační a komunikační technologie (IKT) dále nedefinované |
Téma: | Digitální dovednosti, Big Data, Cloud computing, Kybernetická bezpečnost, Internet věcí, Vývoj webových stránek, Vývoj mobilních aplikací, Software |
Cílová skupina: | Digitální dovednosti pro pracovní sílu Digitální dovednosti pro ICT odborníky |
Úroveň digitálních dovedností: | Střední, Pokročilá |
Druh iniciativy: | Mezinárodní iniciativa |
Druh publikace: | Studie, Infopřehled |
Geografický rozsah: | Evropská unie |
O publikaci
(dostupné pouze v angličtině)
The Lisbon Council launched Green, Digital and Competitive: An SME Agenda for the 21st Century, a sizzling look at how Europe’s 22 million small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are faring in the “twin transition,” the European Commission-led effort to go green and go digital. The report looks at key performance across 33 indicators, adding a crucial leg of competitiveness, where, the report argues, European companies will need to succeed if Europe is to lead a global revolution on green technology.
Relying on publicly available data, the study deploys a unique methodology to measure progress in three key areas: green, digital and competitive. It ranks countries across an array of performance-based indicators, ranging from the size of the SME-sector’s greenhouse gas footprint to the success of national companies in selling cross-border. Overall, Sweden is No. 1, followed by The Netherlands (No. 2), Denmark (No. 3) and Finland (No. 4).
The report finds that while many member states show crucial progress in key areas, Europe as a whole is lagging. Digital targets are well off their 2030 deadline. And only three countries – Estonia (No. 10 in the overall ranking), Lithuania (No. 14) and Romania (No. 27) – have reached their 2030 emission reduction targets. The result: all countries have areas where they could improve.
About the Lisbon Council
The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal asbl is a Brussels-based think tank and policy network. Established in 2003 in Belgium as a non-profit, non-partisan association, the group is dedicated to making a positive contribution through cutting-edge research and by engaging politicians and the public at large in a constructive exchange about the economic and social challenges of the 21st century. Its website is www.lisboncouncil.net.